If you use Foxit Reader, an excellent lightweight PDF file viewer from Foxit Software, then this tip might be of value to you sometime. I’ve been using the software for years as an alternative to Adobe’s bloated offering. It has always worked well for me, and continued to work well after I migrated my home office to Windows Vista. However, I recently installed an update to version 3.0.1301 of the program, and suddenly found that every time I tried to open a PDF Vista’s User Account Control kicked in and requested elevation. It was annoying. If this happens to you, here’s how to make it go away.
The reader program is located in c:\Program Files\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\. The file is called Foxit Reader.exe. Navigate to this folder in Windows Explorer, and right click the filename. On the context menu that appears click “Properties,” and then click the “Compatibility” tab in the dialog. First, look at the bottom and see if “Run this program as an administrator” is checked. If it is, uncheck it. That might be the whole problem for you, but in my case the checkbox was clear, and I was still getting UAC prompts from Vista. The next thing to do is click the button at the bottom of the dialog labeled “Show settings for all users.” This brings up another dialog. Look for the same checkbox in that dialog and clear it if it’s checked. Click “ok” to accept the two open dialogs. Foxit should now launch without requesting elevation.
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!
I can’t tell you how annoying that UAC prompt had started getting! I’d checked the “Run as administrator” box in my account but it was unchecked – never thought of looking at the setting for all users!
Thanks for the solution!
Glad it was helpful, Deelaw. Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for this little gem. The UAC / Foxit problem had been driving me nuts. As with Deelaw and yourself I also had to uncheck the “all users” setting which I had overlooked.
By the way, this comment for doesn’t seem to work in Chrome – just got a blank page.
Thanks, Mark. Much appreciated!
Thank you so much, my friend!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. That crazy popup was starting to get so annoying. You fixed it for me. Awesome.
You rule! Thanks a bunch.
Thanks a lot, searced the net for a fix for ages. Once you know it, it’s so easy. Even fixed a few other “bugs” with that!
Good tip, thanks!
Thanks a lot. A very annoying problem has been solved. As usual I’m like “why didn’t I think of that”
Thank you so much. This has been bugging me for months.