I’ve been slow in posting to this site for a couple of years, now. Time is at a premium these days, or at least, it is when you subtract all the time I spend playing guitar and starting but not finishing games. In the run-up to the symbolic passage of the old year and arrival of the new I gave some thought to the site and whether I wanted to keep it up. I decided that I did, but that the theme I originally chose for it, Palaam, had grown quite dated. This new theme is called Elucidate, and I think it’s pretty sharp. It’s responsive, and scales well on mobile devices. I’ve made some tweaks to it, reducing the size of article titles and adding the social icons at the top, nothing major. I also reorganized some content, but not so much that anyone will notice.
Let me know what you think. The team at work and I are ramping up development on a new system, and we’re in the rare position of being able to sample a lot of technologies and make our own choices with regard to our stack and architecture. I hope to write a lot more about that stuff in the coming weeks, so hopefully the bit on Docker above is just the beginning.