Originally published on the Google Cloud Community blog at https://medium.com/google-cloud/understanding-kubernetes-networking-services-f0cb48e4cc82
In the first post of this series I looked at how kubernetes employs a combination of virtual network devices and routing rules to allow a pod running on one cluster node to communicate with a pod running on another, as long as the sender knows the receiver’s pod network IP address. If you aren’t already familiar with how pods communicate then it’s worth a read before continuing. Pod networking in a cluster is neat stuff, but by itself it is insufficient to enable the creation of durable systems. That’s because pods in kubernetes are ephemeral. You can use a pod IP address as an endpoint but there is no guarantee that the address won’t change the next time the pod is recreated, which might happen for any number of reasons.
You will probably have recognized this as an old problem, and it has a standard solution: run the traffic through a reverse-proxy/load balancer. Clients connect to the proxy and the proxy is responsible for maintaining a list of healthy servers to forward requests to. This implies a few requirements for the proxy: it must itself be durable and resistant to failure; it must have a list of servers it can forward to; and it must have some way of knowing if a particular server is healthy and able to respond to requests. The kubernetes designers solved this problem in an elegant way that builds on the basic capabilities of the platform to deliver on all three of those requirements, and it starts with a resource type called a service.