Understanding kubernetes networking: ingress

Originally published on the Google Cloud Community blog at https://medium.com/google-cloud/understanding-kubernetes-networking-ingress-1bc341c84078

In the first post of this series I described the network that enables pods to connect to each other across nodes in a kubernetes cluster. The second focused on how the service network provides load balancing for pods so that clients inside the cluster can communicate with them reliably. For this third and final installment I want to build on those concepts to show how clients outside the cluster can connect to pods using the same service network. For various reasons this will likely be the most involved of the three, and the concepts introduced in parts one and two are prerequisites to getting much value out of what follows.

First, having just returned from kubecon 2017 in Austin I’m reminded of something I might have made clear earlier in the series. Kubernetes is a rapidly maturing platform. Much of the architecture is plug-able, and this includes networking. What I have been describing here is the default implementation on Google Kubernetes Engine. I haven’t seen Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service yet but I think it will be close to the default implementation there as well. To the extent that kubernetes has a “standard” way of handling networking I think these posts describe it in its fundamental aspects. You have to start somewhere, and getting these concepts well in hand will help when you start to think about alternatives like unified service meshes, etc. With that said, let’s talk ingress.

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