Kubernetes: five steps to well-behaved apps

Originally published at https://medium.com/@betz.mark/kubernetes-five-steps-to-well-behaved-apps-a7cbeb99471a

There’s a reason why the kubernetes project is the current crown jewel of the cloud native community, with attendance at Kubecon 2017 in Austin nearly four times that of last year’s conference in Seattle and seemingly every major enterprise vendor perched behind a booth in the exhibit hall eager to help attendees take advantage of the platform. The reason is that the advantages are significant, especially in those areas that matter most to developers and system engineers: application reliability, observe-ability, control-ability and life-cycle management. If Docker built the engine of the container revolution then it was kubernetes that supplied the chassis and got it up to highway speed.

But driving at highway speed means keeping your hands on the wheel and obeying the rules of the road. Kubernetes has its own rules, and applications that adhere to best practices with respect to certain key touch points are much less likely to wipe out and take a few neighboring lanes of traffic with them. In this post I am going to briefly discuss five important design features that will affect how well your application behaves when running on kubernetes: configuration, logging, signal handling, health checks, and resource limits. The treatment of each topic will be necessarily high level, but I will provide links to more detailed information where it will be useful.

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